Physical Examination |
Blood Pressure (Systolic, Diastolic) |
Pulse |
Height |
Weight |
Body Mass Index |
Vision Test |
Colour Blindness test |
Farsightedness (Hyperopia) |
Blood Test |
Rh(D) Factor |
WBC Differential Count & Absolute Count (5 Parts) |
RBC Count |
Haemoglobin |
Platelet Count |
Hematocrit |
Diabetes Test |
Glucose, Fasting |
Haemoglobin A1c |
Liver Function |
Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT/AST) |
Aspartate Aminotransferase (ALT) |
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) |
Alkaline Phosphatase |
Bilirubin, Total |
Protein Total |
Albumin |
Globulin |
Albumin/Globulin Ratio |
Renal Function |
Urea |
Creatinine |
Sodium |
Potassium |
Total CO2 |
Chloride |
Gout Test |
Uric Acid Test |
Lipid Profile |
Triglyerides |
Total Cholesterol |
Bone |
25-OH Vitamin D |
Calcium |
Hepatitis B Screen |
HBsAg |
HBsAb |
Thyroid function |
Free T4 |
Cancer Marker |
CEA (Colon) |
Alpha - Fetoprotein, AFP (Liver) |
CA 19.9 |
CA 72.4 (Stomach) |
Ovarian Cancer CA 125 |
Breast Cancer CA15.3 |
Fertility hormon examination |
AMH Anti-mullerian Hormone |
Rheumatoid |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor |
Urinalysis |
Colour |
Appearance |
Specific Gravity |
Urine pH |
Urine Glucose |
Urine Albumin |
Urine Leucocyte |
Urine Blood |
Urine Ketone (Qualitative) |
Urine Nitrite |
Urine Bilirubin |
Urobilinogen |
Red Blood Cell |
Yeast cells |
Bacteria |
Mucus |
Crystal |
Casts |
Epithelial cells |
Stool Test |
Colour |
Consistency |
Stool Leucocyte |
Stool RBC |
Ova, Cysts & Parasites |
Stool Occult Blood |
X-ray |
Chest X-ray |
Abdominal X-ray |
Ultrasound |
Ultrasound of upper abdomen - 5 items (liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, kidney and aorta) |
Pelvic Cavity (Uterus, ovaries and bladder) |
Heart Examination |
DNA test |
Take 2 Prophecy™ Test for NPC |
Allergy test |
144 Food Super IgG |
IgE ALEX2® Allergy Test |
Thyroid function |
Free T4 |
Cancer Marker |
CEA (Colon) |
Alpha - Fetoprotein, AFP (Liver) |
CA 19.9 |
CA 72.4 (Stomach) |
Ovarian Cancer CA 125 |
Breast Cancer CA15.3 |
Fertility hormon examination |
AMH Anti-mullerian Hormone |
Rheumatoid |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor |
Urinalysis |
Colour |
Appearance |
Specific Gravity |
Urine pH |
Urine Glucose |
Urine Albumin |
Urine Leucocyte |
Urine Blood |
Urine Ketone (Qualitative) |
Urine Nitrite |
Urine Bilirubin |
Urobilinogen |
Red Blood Cell |
Yeast cells |
Bacteria |
Mucus |
Crystal |
Casts |
Epithelial cells |
Stool Test |
Colour |
Consistency |
Stool Leucocyte |
Stool RBC |
Ova, Cysts & Parasites |
Stool Occult Blood |
X-ray |
Chest X-ray |
Abdominal X-ray |
Ultrasound |
Ultrasound of upper abdomen - 5 items (liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, kidney and aorta) |
Pelvic Cavity (Uterus, ovaries and bladder) |
Heart Examination |
DNA test |
Take 2 Prophecy™ Test for NPC |
Allergy test |
144 Food Super IgG |
IgE ALEX2® Allergy Test |