Discover your holistic health status and receive personalized health plans.
Our comprehensive health assessment combines physical check-up, counseling, art therapy, and DNA testing. We consider your condition, medical history, habits, and environment to provide a personalized health blueprint.
Through brain fitness programs, we aim to restore brain health and enhance brain metabolism, leading to improved overall mind-body wellness.
Tailored to your test results and brain health condition, we offer individualized dietary recommendations to optimize your health and minimize the risk of illness.
Your Strongest Health Backing
Body Check
Browse through our various mind-body health services and prices with ease. Feel free to visit our eShop to make your selections!
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Learn MoreYou can make an appointment online or call to schedule an appointment.
Upon arrival, you will need to provide identification and confirm the item you need to have inspected. Then, you will be asked to fill out personal information and health questionnaires.
Experienced nutritionists will evaluate your eating habits, lifestyle, and environmental factors to provide you with a personalized diet plan.
The medical team will carry out a thorough medical examination.
After your medical examination, you can schedule an appointment for one week later to review your report with the nutritionist and medical team. This is necessary to ensure that you receive a comprehensive analysis of your report and get the best possible care.