Revitalize Brain Health in 20 MinutesDeep TMS™Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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Power Up Your Family's Wellness

Every day, our health is threatened by unseen risks such as stress and viruses. To safeguard the well-being of you and your family, it is necessary to prioritize and invest in your health regularly.

Life Young Health is a one-stop "Mind-Body Wellness Center," offering comprehensive health support from psychology to physiology. Our services include physical examinations, DNA testing, vaccinations, and nutrition guidance. As pioneers in Hong Kong, we introduce DEEP TMS™ for brain health and emotional well-being. With personalized family health management, we are your reliable health guardian. Visit Life Young Health now to initiate your holistic wellness journey.

Safeguard Your Health with the Golden Triangle

Mind-body Wellness


Brain Health



Discover your holistic health status and receive personalized health plans.


Comprehensive Health Assessment

Our comprehensive health assessment combines physical check-up, counseling, art therapy, and DNA testing. We consider your condition, medical history, habits, and environment to provide a personalized health blueprint.


Brain Fitness for Rejuvenating Brain Health

Through brain fitness programs, we aim to restore brain health and enhance brain metabolism, leading to improved overall mind-body wellness.


Enhancing Health through Personalized Nutrition

Tailored to your test results and brain health condition, we offer individualized dietary recommendations to optimize your health and minimize the risk of illness.

Six Major Services

Your Strongest Health Backing

Our team at Life Young Health comprises registered doctors and DNA genetic science and technology experts with extensive clinical experience and DNA testing knowledge. We also have experienced nutritionists who follow up on your healthy diet. Five positions fully support your health needs at every moment.








Digestive Health


Respiratory System


Cancer Index


Skin Allergies

Free PASESA Cardiovascular Test

PASESA: The world's only portable cardiovascular measuring instrument, showcasing its compact design and innovative technology. PASESA cardiovascular testing is the only technology that can quickly detect cardiovascular hardness. Within 90 seconds, this technology can detect any abnormality in the vascular system, which helps monitor the health of your cardiovascular system and detect, and prevent related diseases at an early stage.

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Stephanie Berg

Events & Seminars

Health Check Seminar


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Procedure at a Glance:

Step 1 Appointment

You can make an appointment online or call to schedule an appointment.

Step 2 Arrival

Upon arrival, you will need to provide identification and confirm the item you need to have inspected. Then, you will be asked to fill out personal information and health questionnaires.

Step 3 Consultation

Experienced nutritionists will evaluate your eating habits, lifestyle, and environmental factors to provide you with a personalized diet plan.

Step 4 Examination

The medical team will carry out a thorough medical examination.

Step 5 Report

After your medical examination, you can schedule an appointment for one week later to review your report with the nutritionist and medical team. This is necessary to ensure that you receive a comprehensive analysis of your report and get the best possible care.